
This is a school in the heart of our community and through our teaching and learning we engage and encourage involvement with the local church, Castle, Foodbank, local Care Home etc, to add an extra dimension to our children’s learning.

Excellent links with the local Junior School enable us to have a good understanding of the children’s knowledge and skill levels which helps effective transition.

Throughout the school opportunities are regularly taken to extend the curriculum beyond our statutory requirements.These include:

  • Use of the outside classroom areas, our Forest School area and locality/wider environment.
  • Educational visits, trips to museums/galleries and other places of interest.
  • Class trips and visits to places of interest connected with the curriculum.
  • Transition visits to Morley Place (our Delta Junior School) and curriculum visits to De Warenne Academy (our Delta Secondary School).

Please see below for some of the visits we offer at Rowena Academy:

Conisbrough Castle

St Peter’s Church – Conisbrough

Sundown Adventureland

Cannon Hall Farm

The Deep

The English Institute of Sport