Ethos & Values
We will strive to enable all pupils at Rowena Academy to:
- have a high self-esteem, respecting and caring for themselves and others;
- communicate confidently and effectively;
- develop and grow intellectually, physically, spiritually and creatively, to realise their full potential;
- achieve the highest possible standards in all areas of the curriculum and personal behaviour;
- become highly motivated lifelong learners;
- have the personal and technological skills necessary to contribute and adapt to a rapidly changing world;
- have a high regard for the environment and a clear understanding of how to care for it;
- be aware of and value the rich cultural diversity of the world we live in.
We believe each pupil will succeed through experiencing:
- a welcoming and stimulating learning environment;
- enjoyment in learning;
- a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum that encompasses the local community and has a global dimension;
- an enriching programme of extra-curricular activities and visits;
- an ethos of support, challenge and encouragement;
- high quality teaching and learning opportunities;
- effective learning partnerships between home, school and the community.
We are committed to developing as a learning community by:
- striving for continuous improvement in all that we do;
- managing through open and effective communication;
- working collaboratively towards common goals.
‘Hand in hand together we can’